Psychosocial Counselling Training

Psychosocial Counselling Training prorgram affiliated to CTEVT Sanothimi Bhaktapur.

The Curriculum

Take a quick look at what you will be learning.

General Information

  • Syllabus

  • Introduction to Course

Module- 1

  • (Day 1) Some Key concept( Biopsychosocial Model)

  • (Day 3) Psychosocial Problem, Support, and Intervention

  • Counseling principles

  • PFA Day 2

  • PFA Day 3

  • (Day 4)Introduction to Mental Health

  • (Day 5) Common Mental health Disorders, Psychosis and Neurosis

  • (Day 6) Introduction to counseling

  • (Day 7) Life Span Development

  • (Day 7)Ethical Consideration in Counseling

  • (Day 9 )PFA Day 1

  • (Day 13) Counseling Process

  • (Day 14) Managing counseling centre

  • ( Day 15) Behavior Therapy

  • Observation Skills

  • Reflection of feelings

  • Family Therapy

  • (Day 8) IQ, SQ and EQ

  • (Day 16) Culture and Counseling

  • (Day 17)Attending Skills

  • (Day 19)History Taking

  • (Day 18) Empathy Skill

  • (Day 20)Suicide Prevention

  • (Day 22)Genogram

  • (Day 23)Theory of Cognitive Development

  • (Day 24)Questioning Skills

  • (Day 27) Reflection of feelings and meanings

  • (Day 28)Cognitive Behavior Therapy

  • (Day 25)Person Centered Therapy

  • (Day 28)Solution Focused Therapy

  • Day 29)Psychosocial Theory

  • (day 30)Five Stage counseling

  • (Day 32)Focusing on counseling session

  • (Day 34)Self Awareness and Self Care

  • (Day 33)Counseling with substance and Alcohol use

  • (Day 35)Counseling with domestic violence

  • (Day 36) Dealing with crisis

  • (DAY 39) Relaxation technique and behavioral activation

  • Adult Learning, Goals and objective of the Training.

  • Developing a Lesson Plan

  • (Day 7) Mindfulness

  • (day 12) Different Approaches in counseling ; Psychoanalysis Theory

  • (Day 31)Gender Based Violence and Counseling

  • (Day 2) Disease, illness, and sickness; Explanatory Model

  • (DAY 37)Motivational interviewing


The entire course costs Rs 40000. Please call 9840260426 for payments.

Contact for Enrollment